Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Work Work

Election day is here once again. How did I spend my election day? Well like most people, I had to work. But unlike most people my hours were somewhat shorter. Today I was assigned to check out and fix the overhead flourescent lights in two of the T.V. cabanas. It turns out most of the lights were okay. Someone had just rotated the tubes enough to turn them off so they didn't glare off the T.V. So I rotated them back while sending out telepathic messages of #smug. It was a wasted effort for the most part. They'll just rotate them back off again. Oh well, what do I know; I just work here. It turns out though that there was actually one tube that was bad that needed replacing and wonder of wonders one of the fixtures actually needed a new ballast. So I took care of those and that was that. 20 minutes of work and I was headed home. Not bad for a second day on the job.

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