Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cops and Robbers

So there I was. Casually seated around a table outside playing cards and wondering whether frostbite was going to become a concern or if I was just allowing the fact I could no longer feel my fingers to needlessly worry me. It was pretty cold to be sitting outside, but that's where all the tables are. When what to my wondering eyes should appear? An inmate running by in a mask, pursued -- none too closely, and losing ground I might add -- by an overweight correctional officer huffing and puffing it. I do admit it was amusing. I guess the C.O. was able to radio ahead because ten minutes later or so we saw several officers escorting someone back in hand cuffs. Of course that meant that the compound was closed early. We all had to go back to our dorms so they could do an emergency head count. At least it is warmer inside.

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