Monday, November 1, 2010

Ungainful Employment

You may have heard the term "Gainful Employment". It is my understanding that it means some type of employment from which you, well, gain something. Hopefully what you gain comes in the form of local currency, or at least unblemished cattle. Today I started working on the electrical crew, for which I'm paid so very little ($0.12/hr) that at first glance it almost appears that instead of them paying me, I'm actually paying them for the privilege to work. I am assigned to the p.m. shift which means I work from 11:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. Today for some reason they did a "late call" which means that they're not ready to call you to work yet so stand by and they'll call you at some point, maybe. We were eventually called to work at 1:00 p.m.

My first job was to ground a live transformer. And by this I of course mean that my first job was to watch someone else ground a transformer. My duties involved standing a safe distance away. Actually, I was right up close so I got to see and learn what was going on. We finished at 2:00 p.m. and there was nothing else to do so I got to go home. And of course by home I mean my NEW home a.k.a. my dorm here at the lovely Safford Retreat for the Convicted.

So on my first day on the job I only had to work -- by staying out of the way -- for an hour. Not bad.

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