Friday, July 30, 2010

Shakespeare the Dramatist

I began reading William's Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" which has an introduction written by the editor wherein the reader is treated to a brief education about William's history and the history of theater in his time and of his plays. Needless to say - or perhaps quite needful as the case may be - the entertainment value of the introduction could only merit a score above "not exactly" by the types of people who, as they say, don't get out much. Oh wait, that's me. Okay, I admit that I found it somewhat interesting despite - or maybe in spite of? - its educational nature. My favorite excerpt:
"Shakespeare the dramatist was not careful about historical details any more than he was concerned about historical anachronisms. If he needed to clock to strike the hour in Rome, he let a clock strike, and nobody bothered to inquire about when striking clocks were invented."

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