Friday, July 16, 2010


I recently finished reading "The Truth" by Terry PRatchett. While not as good as some of the others, it was nevertheless an enjoyable satirical insight into the world of journalism. Here are a few tid-bits:

"No, don't move, mister. You stand where I can see you, and no harm will come to you."
"Yes, but if I stand where you can't see me, I don't see how any harm could come to me there, either."

Boddony had pulled his ax out from under the bench. It was a traditional dwarf ax. One side was pickax, for the extraction fo interesting minerals, and the other side was a war ax, because the people who own the land with the valuable minerals in it can be so unreasonable sometimes.

"[...] and in the morning, I'm making waffles!" The kitchen has made another surprising change this week. Instead of having pancakes as scheduled for breakfast we had . . . waffles! They were definitely a step up - and therefore in the right direction - from the pancakes. But alas, the universe seeks balance, and so the following morning, instead of the scheduled oatmeal we were subjected to corn meal. Lucky for me I never eat the oatmeal anyway - preferring to trade it for eggs - so the switch to corn meal leaves me unaffected. Their is an air of apprehension as everyone nervously awaits the schedule to prove whether these were one time changes or something of a more settled nature.

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