Saturday, July 3, 2010


"Everybody against the wall!" is what I woke up to today. It was time for a shake down which is essentially a more extended search through our stuff for contraband, followed by a more . . . uh . . . probing strip search than the every Tuesday one. I'm happy to report that I checked out okay.

It was a day for memorable events. Following the morning shack down romp, we watched Spain tease Paraguay in a World Cup game right up until the very end when they decided to just go ahead and win, which marks the first time that Spain has made it to the semi finals in forever.

Last night I finished "Son of a Witch, Volume 2 in the Wicked Years"by Gregory Macguire. Previously I had read "Wicked" on which the popular 2003 Broadway musical is based. Not a choice read for the stricly moral, - that goes for "Wicked" as well - but for the rest of you, they present an interesting read and alternative view of the land of Oz and what was really supposedly going on that Dorothy knew nothing about. one of my favorite passages is when Dorothy is explaining to Liic about Santa Clause, but due to some colorful language, I will not include it here. The incurably curious will just have to read it for themselves.

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