Thursday, July 22, 2010

On Tuesday the Pancakes Returned

Tuesday and Thursday have been pancakes for breakfast for as long as anyone here can remember. There is one guy here who has been here for three years, so it's safe to say that if the menu was ever different, it was a long time ago. As I reported previously, last Thursday brought a change in the form of waffles - which were excellent by the way. On Tuesday the pancakes returned to a grouply held breath which became a group sigh. Not a sigh of relief, but rather a sigh of disappointment. But on Thursday's return, our small little lives were once again brightened byt he appearance of our lost waffles. So it seems the new menu will now be pancakes on Tuesdays and waffles on Thursdays. Unfortunately for reasons unknown to us, in an apparent effort to thwart our joy over the waffles, the kitchen switched to a most distasteful syrup with a nasty banana aftertaste. Oh well, so much for hope that things were looking up.

And now another tale full of tantalizing tasty tidbits, albeit temporary ones. On Friday at lunch our typical white bread was replaced by some sort of whole grain wheat bread, complete with the extra grain thingies garnishing the crust. It was really good. It lasted for a couple days, meaning that we kept getting the new bread for several days. We received unverifiable proof via word of mouth from one of the guards that a large truck of the bread had been donated to the jail. So I guess that's why we were blessed.

It just goes to show that you really can have Christmas in July. Rumor has it that another truckload will be donated tomorrow as well.

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