Monday, July 12, 2010


Congratulation to Spain on winning the 2010 World Cup. In the final game against the Netherlands, they teased their opponent with many near goals during regulation time. The only and winning goal was scored in extra time as if doing so were only a matter finally deciding to do so. To be fair, the Netherlands only having 10 players to Spain's 11 may or may not have had something to do with it. But what do I know about soccer anyway? At least nobody tried to steal the trophy this year. Extra security made certain of that. It's a shame really, I was hoping a new tradition would be established. Now we Americans can conveniently ignore the sport of soccer for the most part for 4 more years.

Brandon Kennedy went home today. Tanner Troubridge went home last week. This reduces the total number of decent people in here by two. The number dwindles without any new recruits to fill the void. I should clarify that. I mean that none of the new residents can be considered one of the sharpest tools in the shed. In fact, many are rather blunt, and a few should have been tossed from the shed to the midden heap. Oh wait, this IS the midden heap. Well that explains a lot.

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