Friday, October 8, 2010

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Today I had my first soda drink in over nine months. Who knew I could survive so long without it? As I mentioned yesterday, I purchased some diet Dr. Pepper. I hear they used to sell Pepsi products -- although I'm not sure about Mt. Dew -- up until a month ago when they switched to Coke. This is both good and bad. I much prefer Pepsi and their line of products over Coke, but when it comes to diet drinks, Dr. Pepper is probably my favorite. So this way at least I'm not tempted to consume a lot of sugary soda. I know even diet soda still isn't "good" for me, but hey, it's a compromise. I will miss you Pepsi and beloved Mt. Dew. May I rest in peace. So anyway, I bought this stuff yesterday but waited until today to do the honors.

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