Sunday, October 24, 2010

Allergies, maybe

Since arriving here in Safford I began sneezing more in a day that I typically would in a whole year. At first it was -- in a weird twisted way -- somewhat enjoyable. A good sneeze can really lift your spirits. But after a while it can become a bit tiresome. Sneezes have to be rationed to maintain their welcome. Anyway, the sneezing has been accompanied by an unusually runny nose as well. There have veen no other symptoms such as itchy eyes, sinus stuffiness, headaches, tummy issues, etc. So I don't know if it's been allergies or some type of illness. This is Safford after all. You just never can tell. At least I'm not FROM here. Just kidding Andrea. This actually seems like a nice place to live. In fact, maybe I'll hang around for while.

So anyway back to the subject, it rained here two days ago or so and all of a sudden my symptoms went away. In fact, on the very day of rain, I purchased some generic Claritan to see if that would help. Well it certainly did, although I thought I would need to actually take it for it to work. I guess just buying it was enough. Or maybe it was the rain . . . At least now I have a shiny new box of Claritan look-alike meds in my locker. Only time will tell if it is indeed allergies. My week in Phoenix did not cause any problems, so it may not be Arizona in general -- just Safford. To be fair, I don't recall having a problem when being around Andrea, so whatever it is -- and if it is something about Safford -- it must just be something in the air and not be contagious.

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