Sunday, October 31, 2010

How to Train Your Dragon

I just got done watching "How to Train Your Dragon" and I must say it far exceeded all my expectations. Some parts might be too scary for little kids, but it is otherwise a family friendly show with lots of well written humor. I almost didn't go see it since I had only fleetingly seen a few advertisements for it and it looked like another animated wanna-be. But it was really quite good and I recommend it. Now I want to read the book it was based on.

Happy Birthday Mom

Having a birthday on Halloween has it's pros and cons. On the one hand, everyone celebrates it -- even people you don't know. And on the other hand, everyone celebrates it -- even people you don't know. So I guess it depends on your point of view. I for one would rather my birthday passed by unnoticed. It's hardly anything to celebrate. But the birthday of my mother? That's another thing. That's always worth celebrating. Happy Birthday Mom!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Allergies, maybe

Since arriving here in Safford I began sneezing more in a day that I typically would in a whole year. At first it was -- in a weird twisted way -- somewhat enjoyable. A good sneeze can really lift your spirits. But after a while it can become a bit tiresome. Sneezes have to be rationed to maintain their welcome. Anyway, the sneezing has been accompanied by an unusually runny nose as well. There have veen no other symptoms such as itchy eyes, sinus stuffiness, headaches, tummy issues, etc. So I don't know if it's been allergies or some type of illness. This is Safford after all. You just never can tell. At least I'm not FROM here. Just kidding Andrea. This actually seems like a nice place to live. In fact, maybe I'll hang around for while.

So anyway back to the subject, it rained here two days ago or so and all of a sudden my symptoms went away. In fact, on the very day of rain, I purchased some generic Claritan to see if that would help. Well it certainly did, although I thought I would need to actually take it for it to work. I guess just buying it was enough. Or maybe it was the rain . . . At least now I have a shiny new box of Claritan look-alike meds in my locker. Only time will tell if it is indeed allergies. My week in Phoenix did not cause any problems, so it may not be Arizona in general -- just Safford. To be fair, I don't recall having a problem when being around Andrea, so whatever it is -- and if it is something about Safford -- it must just be something in the air and not be contagious.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Frito Bowls

Tonight me and ten other guys got together and made Frito Bowls. This is done with Chili Cheese flavored Fritos, refried beans, ersatz chorizo, sausage, cheese, taco mix and jalapenos added in repeating layers until our bowls (1 qt.) were full. We the ate the concoction with a spoon. I'm pretty sure this wasn't good for me. Oh well, it was fun to do. Next time I will use less sausage in my own.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Smoked Oysters

Tonight I had my first smoked Oyster. Some of you may be laboring under the delusion that smocked oysters are good. I can now tell you that you are mistaken. The test results don't lie. Besides, you read it here on the internet, and if it was on the internet it must be true, right? Nasty disgusting things they are. What was the walrus thinking? The time may have come "to talk of other things", however his conversation skills were sadly misguided. If you needed no help identifying the allusion, or whatever it was, you get a gold star!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tennis Tuesday

I played tennis today. I thought I kicked butt, but then I realized that butt was mine. The good news is that I got better as the hours wore on. The bad news is that I still wasn't very good at the end. I had to stop when my knee started hurting. I probably didn't mention it before, but I hurt my knee a few months ago while doing squats. I went down, I came up. During many repetitions, one time coming up was accompanied by snap, crackle, pop, pain. And ever since it hurts sometimes. I guess that's just part of getting old. It held up during racquetball, but I guess tennis was just asking too much from it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Jayne Eyre

Prior to leaving DCJ I was reading and nearly finished "Jayne Eyre" by Charlotte Bronte. There were many excellent passages which I had intended to quote, but I had to leave my notes behind when I left. I obtained another copy here in Safford and finished it today. So I've only got one passage to share instead of many. I have edited out a few parts which wouldn't make sense out of context. I like this passage because it so closely echoes the feelings of my own heart.

[...] my heart swells with gratitude to the beneficient God of this earth [...] He sees not as man sees, but far clearer: judges not as man judges, but far more wisely. I did wrong [...] Divine justice pursued its course; disasters came thick on me: I was forced to pass through the valley of the shadow of death. His chastisements are mighty; and one smote me which has humbled me for ever. [...] I thank my Maker, that in the midst of judgement he has remembered mercy. I humbly entreat my Redeemer to give me strength to lead henceforth a purer life than I have done hitherto!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Random Raindrops

Today I felt rain for the first time this year. To be fair, it can't really be called rain. Nor could it be comfortably designated as precipitation, so little of it there was. I was out playing cards under the night sky when suddenly my hand was the recipient of a gift from above. Hoping for the best (rain) yet fearing the worst (not rain), I was relieved to discover that I was not the only one hit, and the projectiles were thankfully nothing but a few drops from a passing cloud. I'm sure it was just passing through looking for a more deserving play to unburden itself.
Regarding racquetball repercussions, they were not a few. My body is complaining -- loudly. Well it better get used to it. There's more where that came from.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Racquetball Repercussions

I played racquetball today for a couple of hours. That was probably more exercise in two hours than my entire stay at DCJ. I have some nice blisters to show for my hard work. I still have not been able to get shoes yet, but someone lent me a pair to play in. It is likely that, weather permitting, I will be playing every Wednesday and Friday mornings, at least for now. That is of course if my body can handle it. I'm expecting some soreness tomorrow in muscles I'd forgotten I had.

French Toast Friday

Yes, you heard it here first. Every Friday I get french toast for breakfast, and it's actually quite good. Unfortunately there's not nearly enough - a measly three slices is all. But on a positive note, sugar is provided for the oatmeal. That never happened at DCJ. So score one for the federal system.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


The date alone is reason enough for this nearly pointless entry. Next up, November 11, 2011.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Down Time

I'm supposed to meet with my case manager and counselor some time int he next couple weeks. Until then I seem to have a lot of down time on my hands. I have been spending it reading some books I got from the library and playing cards with a group of other outcasts. Mostly we play Rummy, Pinochle, chess, and various forms of Poker. Of course we only play for fun. There is no money involved. Some of the guys play tennis and racquetball, so once I get my shoes I'll be able to join in the fun. After my meeting with the case manager and counselor I will be placed on the job list and be able to start some educational courses as well. Until then, I'll just enjoy my vacation.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Just What the Doctor Ordered

Today I had my first soda drink in over nine months. Who knew I could survive so long without it? As I mentioned yesterday, I purchased some diet Dr. Pepper. I hear they used to sell Pepsi products -- although I'm not sure about Mt. Dew -- up until a month ago when they switched to Coke. This is both good and bad. I much prefer Pepsi and their line of products over Coke, but when it comes to diet drinks, Dr. Pepper is probably my favorite. So this way at least I'm not tempted to consume a lot of sugary soda. I know even diet soda still isn't "good" for me, but hey, it's a compromise. I will miss you Pepsi and beloved Mt. Dew. May I rest in peace. So anyway, I bought this stuff yesterday but waited until today to do the honors.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Safford Continued

Meals here are served at 6:00 am, 11:00 am, and 5:00 pm -- a much more normal schedule. The weather is great, at least right now. I don't know the temperature but it's nice and warm in the day and pleasantly cool at night. During my wandering around the place I have discovered the clinic, the main laundry, the commissary, the mail, the auditorium, and library buildings. The library is pretty small but offers a much better selection of books than I've had access to in a while. There is no checking out. If you want a book, you just take it. No late fees!
My day for commissary shopping is Thursdays. So I went today and bought a bunch of things, like a hat, sunglasses, hygiene stuff, correspondence materials and, oh yeas, some diet Dr. Pepper. Unfortunately there is a spending limit, and so I have to wait for two weeks before I can finish out my "getting settled" shopping spree. Big ticket items I'm still waiting to get: athletic shoes and a radio. The shoes are necessary if I'm going to exercise, and the radio for watching T.V. Although I'm generally not welcome in front of the T.V.'s, supposedly I can get away with it for weekend morning movie showings. On weekends, edited feature films are shown. The radio will also just be nice to have for musical enjoyment the rest of the day.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Safford Arizona. Here I Am!

Early in the morning we were loaded onto another bus. Approximately much later we arrived at our final resting place, at least for now, FCI Safford, Arizona. I'll spare you the details of being processed at intake as they are much the same as all the other places I've been. The compound is really quite nice -- very aesthetically pleasing. There is no grass anywhere. Just artfully arranged dirt, rocks, and indigenous plant life. There are several cabanas in the central compound in which are found many T.V.'s for watching. Of course I'm not allowed to watch most of them, or participate in most of the reindeer games due to the nature of why I'm here. But that's okay, there is plenty to be doing and I wouldn't have wanted to really associate much with most of the people normally found in prisons. The rec yard has basketball, tennis, volleyball, and racquetball courts. I and the others of my social standing are not allowed to use them if others are or want to. Otherwise we can. There is also a baseball diamond and soccer/football field, all dirt. There is a dirt track that runs around it all. Once I get some shoes I plan to go jogging, or at least brisk walking, or at least just walking, or at least just admiring my shoes while thinking to myself that I should use them to go jogging. :)
I am living in a giant warehouse dorm unit. It is roughly about 200 yards long and 50 yards wide. On the two ends are the bathrooms, showers, and some washer/dryers machines. 120 two man banks fill the central area with a row down each end wall and a row of back to back bunks down the center, creating two main walkways. I'm on the bottom floor. The building actually is two stories with everything I just described duplicated on the top floor as well. I am also on an upper bunk. Bottom bunks are assigned by medical need and seniority. So eventually I should get to move to a lower bunk. Eventually. But I actually kind of like the upper bunk, s it's all good. I've got a locker next to my bunk where I can keep by stuff.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I Heard It Through the Grapevine

Word came today that I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning for my final destination. It comes with both nervousness and relief. There are another 30 guys leaving with me. As Mario can often be heard to say on various video games "Here we go!"

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I finally saw the movie "Avatar" this morning. Well, most of it anyway. I'm missing the beginning 20 minutes or so and also another 20 or 30 minutes somewhere in the middle. But I saw enough to pick up on the story line and I saw the end. I suppose that's all I really have to say about that.