Wednesday, September 22, 2010

San Bernardino Continued

At about 6:00 am in the morning I was moved from the holding cell to a single man cell in the S.H.U. (Special Housing Unit). At least here I had a mattress, if not a pillow. My cell is pretty small, just big enough for a bed, toilet, sink and small table surface, about 8 feet by 6 feet. Outside the bars is a T.V. which is shared by two other cells. I have this stick thing made up of paper maché using magazine pages. The other inmates tell me this is the T.V. remote. We use them to operate the T.V. which is too far to reach otherwise. Breakfast comes at 4:30 am, lunch at 10:30 am, and dinner at 3:30 pm. The food here is a lot better than at Davis County. I am let out of my cell for 1 hour each day during which I can shower. Only one cell on each row is open at a time, so we're all taking turns on whose hour it is to be out. There are 13 cells on a row. The guy next to me let me borrow some magazines and a bible. 10 of the 13 on my row are Mexican, so we watch a lot of Spanish T.V. which isn't too bad since I at least can follow what is going on.

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