Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Phoenix Continued

There is a limited selection, but a decent one, of books here to read. Wince I already read Genesis, I am continuing with Exodus in the Old Testament, in addition to the fiction literature.
We are all located in one room filled with 22 three-man bunks arranged in 4 rows. It's about two thirds full. I'm on a middle bunk. I'm glad I don't have to be on the top one which is about fix feet off the ground. Also in the room are the sinks, showers, and toilets. There is an adjoining room we can use during the day that has two T.V.'s in it.
Breakfast is served at 4:30 am, lunch at 10:30 am and dinner at 3:30 pm. The food here is really good compared to Davis County Jail, but still not quite Mama's home cooking. I'm not complaining though. I can easily live with this. All federal prisons use the same menu and food standards, mostly, so I'll be okay no matter where I go.

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