Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Missing Persons

Today we lost German Rodriguez. Don't worry, we didn't misplace him or anything, although this jail is notorious for losing people. More on that presently. German (pronounced Sherman) is headed to Argentina to set up camp for a while. That's where he's from, so I'm sure he'll do just fine. He's got all sorts of business ideas which I will not divulge because 1) it's not my place to, and 2) they're mostly shady and inappropriate in nature. But one thing's for sure, I see money in his future. Human nature virtually guarantees it.

Now regarding missing persons in general. I'll give a few examples. One day a guy was asked to contact the pod. The only problem was that he had been released the previous week. I mean seriously? We have head counts twice a day. You would think that if they still expected someone to be here, they would have realized the error a bit sooner. Several times people have been asked to contact the pod who have been moved to other units or facilities as well. These incidents coupled with my drug court one combine to paint a pretty insecure picture. I forgot to mention that occasionally the jail has to conduct an unscheduled head count in order to cover their incompetence and account for everyone. I guess it really shouldn't be so surprising considering the type of people who work here. Some of them are really quite decent people. But so many others just radiate a distinct couldn't-make-it-in-a-real-job-requiring-intelligence aura that you can't help but pity their poor sorry little lives. Oh wait, yes I can. I know, I'm terrible.

God must love stupid people; He made so many.

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