Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Pie Jesu

Tonight on America's Got Talent the final ten performed in hopes of getting voted into the final four. One of them, a 10 year old girl named Jackie Evancho sang "Pie Jesu" from John Rutter's "Requiem". It was absolutely incredible. John Rutter is one of my favorite composers and his "Requiem" has always been a favorite of mine since high school when I performed the opening piece (also titled "Requiem") with the school choir. I liked it so much that I then bought the CD containing the full Requiem work. I have since enjoyed listening to it countless times and even at one point knew all the lyrics by heart, both the English and Latin ones (plus the meaning). I even was able to attend a performance of the full Requiem in the Tabernacle at Temple Square which was just completely awesome. Miss Evancho gave a stunning performance that was almost unbelievable coming from a 10 year old girl. If any of you are cultured enough to appreciate such music, and you missed this performance, I'm sure you can find it on YouTube.com or something. It was inspiring to say the least.

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