Monday, September 27, 2010


Today I was awakened at around 2:00 am and told to roll up. I had begun to wonder how long I would be stuck here since there were apparently several other who had been there for several weeks. Of course by "several others" I mean federal inmates. The county inmates are supposed to stay there. So I was taken to the holding cell where I had spent time upon arrival cooling my heels. Here I waited until around 6:00 am when I was again shackled -- but mercifully not subjected to the black box -- and laded onto another bus. Six hours later I arrived at FCI Phoenix, Arizona.
During processing here I gave up my street clothes for the final time. I had temporarily given them up at Davis County and San Bernardino during my short stays, but had thus far used them for traveling in between. I also finally learned my ultimate destination, which was not to be FCI Phoenix. I would only be here for a bit while awaiting my final transfer. This is a medium-high security prison and I was hoping for a low, so that was good news. I have been placed in the S.H.U. for the night and was told I would be moved in the morning. Due to overcrowding, I am the fourth resident for this two man cell. This means that I have the privilege of sleeping on the floor next to the toilet.

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