Sunday, September 5, 2010


I finished another Terry Pratchett novel "Pyramids." It was not as good as the others I've read so far, but still had to few passages that I will quote.
When you die, the first thing you lose is your life. The next thing is your illusions.

These next two are dedicated to Brett Whitehead:
He could always send for his favorite handmaiden. She was special. Her singing always cheered him up. Life seemed so much brighter when she stopped.

He said he liked my singing too. Everyone else said it sounded like a flock of vultures who've just found a dead donkey.

And a note about scientists.
It is now known to science that there are many more dimensions than the classical four. Scientists say that these don't normally impinge on the world because the extra dimensions are very small and curve in on themselves, and that since reality is fractal, most of it is tucked inside itself. This means either that the universe is more full of wonders than we can hope to understand or, more probably, that scientists make things up as they go along.

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