Monday, September 13, 2010


Today I watched the movie "Fireproof." I remember when it came out on video. It looked promising in the video rental store until I saw that it starred Kurt Cameron. Remember him? The younger generation -- and for that matter the older too -- will probably not recognize him. He played the main teenager part on the T.V. show "Growing Pains" when he was younger. Afterwards he was spiritually awakened and became an over zealous fanatical Christian. He flet he could no longer act in everyday Hollywood anymore and turned his acting efforts instead to lesser known Christian themed films. Now, my intent is not to educate you on Kurt Cameron's life, but to point out that because of the type of movies he made, I was not int he least bit interested in watching them. That is not to say that they aren't any good; just that I wasn't willing to spend my time on them. Anyway, I wish now that I had had a different attitude. I can only hope that things would have turned out differently for me.

So, back to the purpose of this blurb, today I watched "Fireproof" and it was everything I thought it would be. Cheesy, overly melodramatic, made-for-non-premium-cable-channel directing and acting, and of course centered on a Christian theme. Now, that doesn't mean it was bad or not worth watching. It was actually really good and I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to see a completely clean, uplifting, inspirational, and entertaining movie. You all have internet, so you can look up details yourselves if you're interested. It has a good message and was fairly emotional (for me anyways). I can't remember if I mentioned them already, but "Forever Strong", and "Facing the Giants" are two other excellent movies that are Christian themed, although neither feature Kurt Cameron, which really can only make them that much better.

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