Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Finished "The Lost Continent" today by Terry Pratchett. Notable quotes:
"Mind you, the people in the bar included three sheep in overalls and a couple of kangaroos playing darts. And they weren't exactly sheep. They looked more like, well . . . human sheep. And he was pretty sure that there was no way you could get a cross between and human and a sheep. If there was, people would definitely have found out by now, especially in the more isolated rural districts."
"He looked out across the sheep pens. He knew what sheep were, of course, and had come into contact with them on many occasions, although normally in the company of mixed vegetables."
Native: "He went to prison to see the prime minister."
Foreigner: "Why did he have to go to prison?"
Native: "We put all our politician in prison as soon as they're elected. Don't you?"
Foreigner: "Why?"
Native: "It saves time."
Two other things of note happened today. First, Steve Athay (Stevie) went home, creating a void in the ambient ego resonance. No worries, there are many here who will be contenders for the now vacated position of "most self absorbed." Second, we got a new recruit who - we happened to notice this while he was napping - happens to have his toenails painted red. Yes, you read it correctly. I suppose one can always hope that there's a perfectly reasonable explanation, however I for one will not be doing the inquiring. Better to leave well enough alone.

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