Sunday, June 27, 2010


So the other day I was staring at the cinder blocks in the wall - one of my new pastimes - and I noticed that each of my eyes sees in a different color temperature. Anyone who has ever adjusted the color temperature of a computer monitor - at least a fairly modern one - should recognize the preset options of "warm" and "cool." By closing one eye at a time, and also while holding my hand in between my eyes while looking through both, I have discovered that my left eye sees in a decidedly warm color temperature whereas my right eye sees in a decidedly cool color temperature. I have confirmed this experiment three times on three different days. I blame the food here.

Recently I have been reading some books from Terry Pratchett's "Discworld"series. For those of you that like British humor - and possibly understand it - you might enjoy them, especially if you're a fan of Monty Python. Now by fan, I mean one who would watch other British shows voluntarily without any peer pressure. The rest of you sods - I wonder if I used that correctly, and how offensive it might really be - can bugger off. The most recent of these books I finished was "Guards! Guards!" This is one of my favorite lines from that book:

"In a manner of speaking, yes" said his father. "In another manner of speaking, which is a rather more precise and accurate manner of speaking, no."

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