Friday, June 25, 2010


Today I watched Spain (or España as they prefer to be named (at least I assume as much)) triumph over Chile 2-1 in what will be known throughout history as "one of the games played during the 2010 World Cup." Congratulations Sergio Ramas. That certainly was ambitious. On the downside, this means I officially didn't win the neighborhood wager since I - or anybody else - can't catch up to the leader, which was Brandon. For his troubles he won a candy bar from me, and everyone else involved which totals 7+4 which - I have it on good authority does now and will still by the time you read this - equals 11.

Song of the Day - Airplanes, by B.O.B. featuring Hailey from Paramore. Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars? I could really use a wish right now.

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