Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I've had an epiphany. Don't worry, it's neither serious or contagious, or even a type of jelly filled pastry. It's a "sudden striking understanding of something." At least according to a certain Mr. (Mrs.?) Merriam Webster.

I was laying on my bed staring at the ceiling and having a conversation with myself. That's when it hit me. A splendid idea, or so I thought. I waited politely for a lull in the conversation and then brought up my idea to myself. "Self," I said, "I've got an idea." Sudden suspicion was replaced quickly with interest. After all, it's not every day I have an idea, much less one worth discussing with myself. "I should start a blog" I said, to which I immediately replied, "You can't do that , at least not now." I had to concede that my lack of internet access was indeed an obstacle. Lucky for me I have a team of personal assistants who happen to have the required internet access and can publish my entries by proxy.

And so, without further ado - no, not "adieu," or any other French words for that matter - let's get this "hard set" on its way. (Inmate humor. I guess you have to be there.)

Conductor: "Are you ready?"
Orchestra: "Yes."
Conductor: "Then we'll begin."
(From Spamalot)


  1. Comments posted will be forwarded to Brian.

  2. I hope you got the comfy chair.
