Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Well today is my six month anniversary of my extended leave of absence. In commemoration of this momentous and highly prestigious event I have hired myself a dishwasher. I couldn't get the desired "Maria" model. All that was available was a "Steve" model. I suppose it does all right and certainly came cheap. For extra food scraps off my tray this guy Steve has agreed to wash my bowl after every time I use it. Giving up food scraps is no problem considering my other two deals I have. I'm paying Jimmy for his breakfast trays and Lee for his dinner trays. Between the two trays for each of those meals, I can usually find enough that's edible and giving up the scraps is no sacrifice, especially considering the supporting role of commissary, which in turn is supported by my generous, loving, (possibly confused?) family and sundry loved ones, which by the way - and in spite of this extremely long run on sentence - I do very much appreciate.

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