Monday, August 16, 2010

Extended Stay Approval

"They were the best of times; they were the worst of times" - except for the part about the best of times. I guess I've been a good resident at this gated community, for management today invited me to stay for a while longer - 195 months in fact. The good news is that as an extended stay resident, I now qualify for an upgrade to a more prestigious facility. The decision of which facility I will be transferred to, as well as the actual transfer will likely take 6-8 weeks. Those of you who have nothing better to do but write to me may continue to do so at the listed address in the meantime. Just remember to put a stamp on the envelope (not to accuse Alan of doing precisely that or anything). :)

The past week has been hard. I've been mentally and emotionally drained. So many thoughts and emotions in a chaotic frenzied stampede running around unchecked. If I were likened unto a vehicle traveling along the road of life amidst the traffic with everyone else, mine would be the one overturned in the ditch at the side with the wheels spinning uselessly. Luckily, some of the other vehicles on this road are tow trucks, and luckily there is a repair shop open 24/7 which can mend and heal almost any damage. The price can be tough to swallow, and the repair time varies with the damage, but it's always worth it in the end.

I apologize to those of you who are scratching your heads wondering what in tarnation - what IS tarnation anyway? - that last paragraph was about. Those of you quicker on the uptake will recognize the metaphorical religious point of it all. The rest of you can just nod your head in a manner suggesting that you understand, even when you really don't, just to avoid admitting that yo u're clueless. Moving on.

I would like to welcome you all to this new paragraph, which has been expressly designed to be easy to understand. Unfortunately, I used the entire budget on simple language, and I couldn't afford to include anything interesting or with a point.

I apologize to my readers for the uselessness of the previous paragraph. The writer has been sacked. I hope to bring you the next entry soon with an entirely new, and hopefully high quality writer.

I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.

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