Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Prophesied Return

I was having so much fun on my summer vacation back to Utah that I elected to extend my stay through the new year. But the time has come my little friends to return to Safford Arizona. So I booked a flight for January 12, but I guess I forgot to let myself know. Luckily the chaperones I hired had my itinerary and were sure to have the staff at the DCJ get me up and ready.

We got to the airport without incident for our 10 am flight. Everything was going according to plan until suddenly it wasn't. We had boarded our flight on time and gotten settled. After sitting at the gate for what seemed like a longer than usual length of time the captain informed us that they had to "reboot the computer" and therefore shut the plane completely down and it might be just a bit dark for a moment. He said it would take about three minutes. My confidence level in the integrity of the plane was lowered several notches. Large notches. After about 15 minutes the captain informed us that "it did not work" and that we would now have to deplane while the guys with the wrenches crawled through the insides randomly banging on different things.

So we all got off the plane. We were informed that the airline was getting a new plane ready for us. While we were still waiting for the new plane to be ready I guess they felt like they fixed the original sufficiently -- I'm sure duct tape was involved -- and had us re-board the original. There was a lot of grumbling and voting of no confidence taking place amongst the passengers. We finally were able to get underway about an hour late. Upon take off there was some major turbulence causing more than a few wild wing waggles nearing 45 degree angles above and below the horizon line while the pilot fought to keep the plane level. Turbulence? Maybe. Plane failing? Seems more likely. We'll have to let them get away claiming turbulence though since once we reached altitude it was smooth sailing the rest of the way.

We arrived in Tucson, picked up a rental car, stopped at Burger King for lunch -- If the telestial kingdom is anything like that Burger King, I would surely die to get there -- and we were on our way to Safford. Some couple of uneventful hours of driving later, we arrived. I had not had leg shackles on for the trip but the officer admitting me wouldn't allow me in without leg shackles on. So after some fuss getting my legs shackled, I was led for a short walk through two doors where the leg shackles were then removed. ??? So I had to be chained up more securely in order to be admitted through the door? Makes no sense.

I was given some bedding and basic hygiene supplies for the first night but had to wait until the following day to retrieve my stored property. I was assigned back to my original unit just one bunk over from where I was previously. I am still considered a new arrival and therefore not eligible for a job yet but Capps (Electrical Crew Boss) has already said I could come back to work on the crew. So I just have to wait until I'm officially allowed to.

It's nice to be back. There have been some minor changes but most everything is the same. I'm still figuring out what my daily routine will be but I suspect it will be quite similar to before. And so, until next time, I bid thee adieu.

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