Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The 10th Kingdom

Many years ago while I was perusing the available titles at 3D Video (a movie rental store), I came across one titled The 10th Kingdom. It was a television mini-series produced by Hallmark incorporating fairy tale characters such as Snow White, Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, etc. I am a fan of reading long books in long series, especially in the science fiction and fantasy genres. So naturally I am also a fan of things such as television mini-series where each episode is not a show all by itself but just one chunk of the ongoing storyline. I decided to rent it -- much to the dismay of various family members who shall remain un-named but whose first initial is Jared -- and I am glad I did. I will admit that it's nothing spectacular, but it is cute and entertaining. Being only about 7 hours long, I have ever since suggested it as a candidate for Christmas Eve viewing. Disappointingly my family has always felt disinclined to agree. I did get Wendy to watch it with me. Once.

The other day I was perusing the book selection in the library here and what did I find? Yep, you guessed it. The 10th Kingdom, in paperback, ready for me to read and relive all over again. So I have now read it and can report that it wasn't too bad. The tv show was better though. So while I recommend the show over the book, they are both decent family friendly entertainment.

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