Friday, March 18, 2011

A Train To Potevka

Today I read "A Train To Potevka" by Mike Ramsdell, the true story of an LDS American spy in Russia during the time the Soviet Union fell and the hardships and joys he endured while serving. My friend Kristynn sent it to me and I really enjoyed reading it. I remember meeting Mike Ramsdell when he came and spoke one night at a church get-together many years ago. These two passages come from the book.

It is not the Lord's way to His plan to take away our hardships and difficulties. It is these challenges that give us the opportunity to grow in faith, character, and understanding. And if we won't give up, He will be at our side to help us see them through.

One of the greatest gifts that God gives to each of us is the love we share with our family, friends, and fellow men. It is this divine gift of love that enriches us, gives meaning and purpose to life, and makes it all worth living. Everything else in life is secondary. Everything. And when our time here on Earth is over, our lives will not be measured by the riches we accumulate, the honors we receive, the degrees we acquire, or the professional success we achieve, but by our capacity to love and be loved.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray me! :) Everyone should read this book. It is freaking awesome and Mike Ramsdell is the nicest guy ever!
