Saturday, April 14, 2012

Rainbows and Butterflies

I woke up this morning to cold, wind, and rain. The mountains to the southwest are hidden in mist and fog. They sky out to the east is clearer. While waiting in line for breakfast outside in said cold, wind, and rain the rising sun broke through and thus provided us with a vision of a beautiful rainbow. It has been a long time since I saw a complete rainbow but this one delivered, appearing to rise from the horizon on the left and falling to the horizon on the right and brightly colored along the entire arc. The phantom double rainbow wasn't so lucky. It was only visible on the sides and petered out as it arced towards the top.

The butterflies were even less lucky. There were none.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

General Conference

Once again General Conference has come and gone. I wasn't able to watch the sessions but I was able to listen to them on the radio. I have to say that in my opinion this has been one of the greatest ever. So many good messages were prepared and shared and they all offered hope for the future. I'm not sure if I had a favorite session. The Saturday afternoon was a clear winner until Sunday morning came along, and Sunday afternoon was good too. So although I can't pick an overall winning session I can pick two of my favorite talks. Of course there were many wonderful talks, but these two were I think my favorites overall.

The first was given by Elder Holland on Saturday afternoon. I can't remember details but the message was powerful and the gist of it was "Be kind, because God is kind." I really liked this because considering all the great kindnesses that I have experienced over the past couple years and throughout my life, I should be a lot more kinder to my fellow men.

The second was given by President Uchtdorf and was generally about mercy. It really goes hand in hand with Elder Holland's. Again, I could really improve in this area in my own life. I can't wait until the conference issue of the Ensign comes out so I can read again these two wonderful talks along with the many other wonderful ones that were given.

I hope you all were able to watch and/or listen to conference, and if not, I hope you'll take the time to do so through the Ensign and/or internet media that I assume will be available on the church's website