Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Today my friend, Brett Whitehead was released, leaving me all alone here to suffer on my own. I suppose I could say some nice things about him, but that might just embarrass him. I guess the sun shines on a dog’s… well anyway, I’m happy ofr him and wish him well.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Mason

Mason James Bagshaw was born today to my sister, Wendy. From what little I know everything went well, including an eleventh hour trip to the theatre to wee the final Harry Potter film after which the water did break forth, Good timing, Sis!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

“Fresh Food”

A year ago here in Davis County Jail there were rumors for months of a new offering through commissary that there would be freshly prepared food to order. Nothing ever came of these rumors while I was here on my last visit, but to my delight these rumors have finally born fruit. As long as I pass inspection on Friday I am allowed to order one of six offerings for Saturday delivery. The options are; cheeseburger, pizza, burrito, buffalo wings, chili dogs, or nachos. The best values to me seem to be the cheeseburger and pizza. The cheese burger is made from real beef—something the rest of our meals here seem to lack—and comes with all the trimmings. It’s a pretty good burger. The pizza is pepperoni and about 8 inches across. Both are even better than what Safford has to offer. All options also come with a bag of chips and a chilled 20 oz. soda. I have usually been getting the pizza.

They call this food offering “Fresh Food”. Makes you wonder what the regular meals they feed us are. As I have written previously, the meals here leave much to be desired, and even more to be imagined.