Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Vacation

I realize that addressing you in the plural might be a little over optimistic of me, but every bit of optimism helps. It has been a while since I’ve written, but I wanted to share how my summer vacation got started.

I found out about the opportunity to make a return trip to Utah back in April. I was not told anything about when that trip might be, but I was assured that my spot was already booked and that I would indeed be going.

Last Thursday I was suddenly given one hour to pack up all my property. This I did with the assumption that I would be leaving that day—an assumption that would prove to be wrong. I proceeded to pack up all my clothes and hygiene items. After delivering them to the office where all muy property would be stored until my return, I was instructed to return to my dorm. I then inquired if I would be leaving later in the day. I was answered that no, and that they didn’t know when it would be, but that it was usually within a few days of having packed everything up.

So I was stuck there without knowing when I would be leaving with only the clothes on by back. I was able to borrow a few things but still only had the pair of socks and underwear that I was wearing. I waited for the rest of that Thursday, all of Friday, and all of Saturday but still I had not gone anywhere or heard anything. On Sunday morning I finally borrowed some laundry detergent and went commando for an hour while I washed what I had. Fortunately, Monday was the day.

Having made a decision that it would likely be Monday when I was to leave—this decision being something between a calculated guess and hope born of desperation—I wisely decided to skip breakfast in order to minimize projected bowel needs while in an inconvenient circumstance. I was called to the office at about 10:00am where I was met by two officers who would be my chaperones for the trip. We drove from Safford to Tucson where we would be catching a flight to Salt Lake City. While in Tucson I had a cheese burger for lunch from Jack-in-the-Box. Initially I wasn’t going to eat lunch for the same reason I didn’t eat breakfast, but it was pointed out to me that we would be arriving at our destination after the dinner hour. That would mean I would have gone 36 hours without eating by breakfast the next morning, so I decided to opt in for lunch. It was really, really good. I suppose it’s all subject to my opinion anyway

We arrived at the airport in Tucson and were ushered through security the back way on account of our traveling situation and my chaperones being armed. We had to wait for two hours for the plane to arrive. Waiting isn’t so bad, except when you can’t move and have nothing to entertain yourself with. We were allowed to board the plane first and were seated at the very back. Then the older passengers boarded next. One older lady was a bit upset that we were allowed to board before her.

The flight was uneventful and we arrived in Salt Lake City safely. I was then delivered to Davis County and processed in. And so here I am once again. Most of the people that were here when I was last are gone. A lot of new faces. We’ll see how it turns out. My friend Brett Whitehead is still here, but he will be getting out in a few weeks. The food is still terrible—amazingly so—but the commissary has improved somewhat.

Summer vacation, here I am. Now can I be done yet?