Thursday, February 10, 2011

A Penny for Your Thoughts

Why is it "a penny for your thoughts", but you have to "put your two cents in"? Somebody's making a penny.

-- Steven Wright

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sonic Boom

Today I had the privilege of experiencing the signature sound of a sonic boom as a fighter jet flew overhead. At least I assume it flew overhead. I never actually saw the jet. But I suppose that if it was moving faster than the speed of sound, I didn't have much chance of seeing it anyway.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Super Bowl XLV - Green Bay Packers vs Pittsburgh Steelers

Another Super Bowl has come and gone, and unfortunately I wasn't able to watch it. Instead, I spent my evening playing chess. I could go into an exciting play by play recount of how my games played out, but somehow I just don't think you're that interested, and besides, this is about the Super Bowl. I suppose for some of you, the Super Bowl is nothing more than a good excuse to get together and eat good food and maybe see some good commercials. Although I do enjoy watching football, I do not "follow" it, nor do I have myself a favorite team. If I am watching a game, I usually root for the offense, whichever team that happens to be at the moment. What I most enjoy about football is watching the successful execution of offensive plays. This year the Super Bowl saw my family divided as some (being Packers fans) were on one side of the line, and others (being Steelers fans) were on the other side of the line. The battle lines were clearly drawn. It's probably good that I wasn't home or I might have gotten caught in the middle. On the other hand, I missed a good opportunity to have played devil's advocate and harassed both sides.

The compound here put everyone in a prize pool this year for the game. My numbers were 7 for Green Bay and 4 for Pittsburgh. That means that at the end of each of the four quarters, if the last digit for both teams' score matched my numbers, I would win. Prize bags containing all manner of delectable comestibles were given to the winners. But of course I did not win, but what else is new.