Monday, December 20, 2010

Sunrise and Sunset

The sunrises and sunsets here in Safford Arizona are absolutely beautiful if there are any clouds in the sky. Much more impressive than anything I ever saw in Utah. The colors are simply amazing. I really wish I could take photographs of them. Right now I go to breakfast just as the sun is coming up, but right before it has crested the eastern horizon. The blues, reds, pinks, yellows and whites are incredible. As I go to dinner, the sun has just fully dipped below the western mountains, again creating a spectacular vista. I think the sunrise is the more impressive of the two since I am right up next to some mountains on the west. The horizon to the east is much lower allowing the sunlight to illuminate most of the overhead sky before the sun peeks over. Because of the mountains on the west, only the clouds to the west get lit up after the sun has slipped out of view. In the morning there are often both high and low clouds. The high ones get illuminated while the lower ones remain in shadow. This creates some very interesting contrasts. Five days until Christmas and the weather here is beautiful. I may just end up staying in Arizona of my own accord after my current tour of duty is up. I'll have to see what the summers are like first though.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Amusing Scriptural Passages

I was reading in the Old Testament today about when Saul was being chosen to be king and came across a couple phrases that struck me as oddly funny which I just had to share.

1 Samuel 10:22
"Behold, he hath hid himself among the stuff."

1 Samuel 10:27
"And they despised him, and brought him no presents."